Monday, May 10, 2010

India out of 2010 T20 World cup

Indian team fails to deliver again. Looking strong on paper but failing repeatedly on ground and faltering in pressure situations has became common. Where is the problem? Team selection? Preparation for the matches? 

Players are unable to play bouncers and short-pitch deliveries. This is not the first time, it has been the problem for the some time now. We know our problem. Have we done enough to come over that? Our slow pitches cannot be the excuse. We should try and develop fast and bouncy tracks. If we cannot we should send out players to different parts of worlds where we have bouncy pitches to practice on. 

Selection policy is also a concern. Experience plays a major role in this high pressure tournaments. Talent is not just enough. Adaptability and applying yourself according to situation is important. Repetition of same mistake is also a concern. Going with same XI, even after a failure shows the problem with selection. After first match we came to know that we are short of a genuine bowler. That made the target to increase by 20-25 runs. Finally we end up losing the match with less than 20 run difference.

Instead of trying to prove themselves as right, they should concentrate on winning matches. Even after so much criticism after Australian match, team management decided to go with same XI. They are there to win the matches, not to prove themselves. Winning should be their main issue, ego should not come ahead of that.

Hope they will learn from this world cup and will not repeat this mistakes again.

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